In the News
Prudential Spirit of Community Awards
I was fortunate enough to be the 2019 Oregon State Honoree for my work making pet toys from recycled materials. This was a great honor and it is a great program that I encourage any middle and high school students who are motivated to volunteer their time to look into it. Thank you Prudential!
Girl Scouts of Oregon and Southwest Washington
KATU AM Northwest
Live interview with Helen Raptis.
KATU Afternoon Live
Live interview with Tra'Renee Chambers.
KATU Afternoon Live (again!)
Another live interview with Tra'Renee Chambers for Girl Scout Week (and got to show off the pet toys).
Beaverton Valley Times (again!)
Helaina Hovitz Regal
Writer, Editor, Author, Social Media and Content Strategist. Author of the blog "A Hit of Happiness"
Best Friends Foster Pet Camp
OSU Youth Education Services